1. The Undertaker

After losing the services of The Samoan Swat Team, Paul E Dangerously was after a new client. Having predominantly managed tag teams, he turned to singles competition and found a huge man. Standing 6’10”, with manic eyes and red hair, Mean Mark Callous was a wrestler with uncanny agility for his size. His finishing manoeuvre, The Heat Seeking Missile, involved him walking along the top rope and unleashing a flying elbowdrop from the middle of the top strand. He enjoyed pay-per-view victories over Johnny Ace (John Laurinaitis of WWE fame) and Brian Pillman and really had momentum going into his US title match with long-time champion Lex Luger at The Great American Bash 1990. However, Callous came up short and soon afterwards, WCW decided in their infinite wisdom to not renew his contract in an Austin-like display of forward vision.
Callous travelled to JAPAN shortly afterwards, competing under the catchy name of Punisher Dice Morgan (he had previously competed under a mask in World Class as The Punisher) before signing with the WWF and debuting at the 1990 Survivor Series as The Undertaker, and the rest, as they say, is history. The Undertaker has become one of the most iconic and respected figures in professional wrestling, and at WrestleMania XXX this year, he and Heyman crossed paths one more time in one of the most historic matches ever in the WWE.
via www.whatculture.com