1. John Cena

Let’s go back to late 2002 through 2004 when John Cena was as popular as any WWE performer with internet fans. Fans would talk about how incredible his raps were. They would try to find videos of them so they could watch them. Youtube wasn’t around, so it wasn’t as easy as it is now. People loved the guy. They didn’t care so much about his in-ring style. What mattered was he was different from others because he looked like he was tough, he brought rap to WWE and most importantly he was cool.
When Cena’s rap CD You Can’t See Me was released in 2005 he had just won his first WWE Title, so he was still pretty fresh. The album did well, reaching as high as 15th in the Billboard 200 and as high as third in the Rap Album category on Billboard. Cena’s a bigger name now than he was then, but it’s unlikely that his albums would do as well because there are more haters now.
The internet fans turned on Cena after a few years at the time. He stopped doing the cool rapping stuff and he became a “white meat babyface” as Steve Austin has called him in the past. Instead of being a cool, hip, fresh voice in the stale world of wrestling, he’s become like those guys we grew up watching in the 1980s.
Cena’s at a point in his career now where there are enough of us that respect him for all he’s done and acknowledge his great work, but he’s always going to have haters because he’s been at the top for the last decade.
Cena was absolutely an internet darling. To some, he still is. To most, he definitely is not.
via www.whatculture.com