Monday, 8 September 2014

10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered 8

by Unknown  |  at  09:41

8. Getting Cesaro Back On Track

It’s just a matter of investing time into his character both on the microphone and in the ring. Let the man wrestle, ya know?
He’s one of the best wrestlers alive. Cesaro seems incapable of having bad matches. The only time fans are upset about his matches is when he only gets three minutes because we want to see him wrestling for 10 or more minutes. We know that if he gets time he’s as good as it gets in wrestling today.
They spent a few months jobbing him out for reasons we don’t really know. Then they realized that Night of Champions is an actual PPV and they need an opponent for Sheamus, so they’re putting Cesaro against him. Those two already had a match at Payback. It’s being done again because WWE knows they have great chemistry and it will be good. Don’t expect a title change.
All they have to do is give him a chance to prove himself. Put him in longer matches, let him talk and booking him to win meaningful matches would help too.



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