Saturday 23 August 2014

How do wrestlers bleed? How real are the injuries? WWE's darkest secrets revealed 4

by Unknown  |  at  03:23

#4 How much of the match is rehearsed?

The result of the match is always pre-determined. The winner is selected based on how the crowd will react, and whether it will succeed in taking the storyline in the right direction. In terms of how the match is orchestrated, 60% of it is pre-rehearsed, and the rest is improvisation on part of the wrestlers, sometimes even all of it. The performers, the referee and even the commentators, are in on the whole result.
The wrestlers do something called ‘spot calling’, which is basically telling each other which move they want to execute next. If you listen carefully you can sometimes overhear them.
The commentator will indicate to the referee if the match is being well received by the audience in attendance, and the referee passes this information on to the participants, who then come with up a finish to the match via spot calling.


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