Saturday 23 August 2014

How do wrestlers bleed? How real are the injuries? WWE's darkest secrets revealed 3

by Unknown  |  at  03:21

#3 How real are the injuries?

A superstar rolling on the floor like he has just been shot , is a pretty common sight in the WWE. The entire show is one big work, a giant play some would say. It is World Wrestling ENTERTAIMENT for a reason. However, it is impossible to find a top wrestler, who has not suffered more than at least one career threatening injury during their tenure.
It could stem from something trivial like a bad landing on a simple move (Randy Orton and his shoulder injury), to a high risk move going wrong (Mick Foley breaking his back). Stretchers are often brought out to assist “injured” wrestlers, but this is usually done to make proceedings more dramatic.
One way to tell if a wrestler is genuinely injured is to look at the referee. If it is a real injury, then the referee will indicate it backstage, by making an ‘X’ sign with his hands. This means the wrestler needs immediate help.


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