Wednesday 20 August 2014

10 Big Regrets WWE Probably Have About 2014 4

by Unknown  |  at  10:41

4. Failing To Properly Build Paige

Paige is thought of by many WWE fans as the perfect foil to AJ Lee. She is young, she’s pretty and she has a disturbing edge to her personality that is very similar to that of her current opponent. In many ways, Paige can actually be considered the flip side of the coin as it relates to AJ.
However, others feel that Paige is perhaps too similar to AJ. Neither woman is the typical Diva and neither one has the look of a typical Diva. Both have the ability to connect to the younger fans and they share a move-set that is not flashy or phony. AJ and Paige are not interested in being cover models; they’re pro wrestlers.
While all of this is good in terms of building their rivalry, it does very little to build Paige individually. Indeed, Paige has had very little opportunity to build her character and WWE has not seemed all that interested in building it for her. She basically just came to the ring, worked her match and then went back through the curtain. At the end of the day, it’s nearly impossible for fans to truly care about her.
The fact is that AJ is giving Paige the rub and will ultimately help her get better during the course of their rivalry. However, Paige needs to stand on her own two feet once it’s over and that means fans need to care about her. WWE needs to refocus on Paige and allow her to establish that all important connection among the fans that will decide her fate.


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