Wednesday 20 August 2014

10 Big Regrets WWE Probably Have About 2014 3

by Unknown  |  at  10:42

3. Underutilizing Dolph Ziggler

From the moment that Dolph Ziggler went from being an annoying new heel to being a great hand with main event potential, WWE fans have rallied behind him. They believed in Ziggler despite the silly name and they were willing to forget about his past life as a male cheerleader. All that mattered was Dolph’s talent and his ability to entertain and he had an abundance of both.
WWE was apparently in full agreement on this, as Ziggler was used in one career building storyline after another. Every time he was on TV, he impressed with his work in the ring and the sky appeared to be the limit for him. When he finally won the World Heavyweight Championship in 2013, it looked as though his five years of hard work had finally paid off.
However, an injury caused WWE to have him drop the championship and even a great showing against Alberto Del Rio in which Ziggler turned babyface for the first time did not stop his slide from main event status. Since that time, Ziggler has been relegated to the role of a would be star struggling to make headway in the company.
He may have won the Intercontinental Championship at SummerSlam but Ziggler’s modicum of success may be too little too late. At this point, many fans have likely lost faith in WWE’s willingness to properly utilize him and much like Damien Sandow, Ziggler’s full potential has just not been realized. With CM Punk’s departure and Daniel Bryan’s injury, the company needs top main event talent. They have that with Ziggler but will past mistakes be corrected now or will he slide down once again?


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