Wednesday 20 August 2014

10 Big Regrets WWE Probably Have About 2014 2

by Unknown  |  at  10:45

2. Letting CM Punk Walk Out

When CM Punk left WWE after the Royal Rumble, he did so in very controversial fashion. The man known as The Best in the World reportedly showed up to Monday Night Raw, told Vince McMahon he was going home, then did just that. Though Punk is infamous for his off-putting sens of humor and his defiance of authority, his departure quickly went from being cool and popular to being frustrating and bitter for the fans that believed in him.
Punk claims that he will never return to WWE and there does seem to be bad feelings on both sides. At this point, fans are surely sick of hearing about it and many have moved on from the idea of Punk ever returning to the fold. The chants still happen in arenas all over the world but over time those chants could very well dissipate.
The question is, did any of this have to happen? Punk went from being the top heel in the company to a very intense feud with Paul Heyman, to nothing. His 434 day reign as WWE champion was a thing of the past and he seemed to be at a standstill in his career. His heat with The Shield and later with The Authority kept him highly visible on TV but it did not seem to be enough.
Punk was meant to be a main event star. His ability in the ring and his ability on the mic put him in a class all his own and he proved that for three straight years. The fact that WWE allowed his slide to happen in the first place paired with their inability to keep him there, has caused many fans to question just who is really to blame for this falling out. Could all of this have been prevented? Did no one in the company recognize that Punk was burned out and need a break? At this point, we may never really know.


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