9. Passing Over Reigns For Ambrose

In terms of talent, Dean Ambrose is more talented than Roman Reigns right now. He’s the more experienced of the two wrestlers, plus Ambrose is much better in terms of delivering promos. When it comes to their matches, Ambrose is also superior although Reigns is improving a lot and is no slouch in that regard.
The feeling is that Reigns is going to get a main event push leading to a showdown with Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 31 next year. If that’s the plan they should stick to it. Reigns got picked for a reason and that’s because WWE knows they need future babyface stars. He’s got the size they look, the look they want and the genes from a great wrestling family that will hopefully make him WWE’s next huge superstar.
Ambrose will get his time at the top. It may not be in WrestleMania’s main event next year, but in the end talent rises to the top. Ambrose’s opportunity is going to come. Fans just need to be patient. You can’t push everybody at once.