2. CM Punk

CM Punk is one of the internet’s most favorite wrestlers. At least he was. The reason Punk was so believed is that fans knew that he grew up wanting to be a wrestler, he chased that dream even though he wasn’t a prototypical big guy and he made it.
Prior to signing with WWE in the mid 2000s, people knew who he was. His rise in Ring of Honor from an unknown to a top guy was something that earned him a huge fanbase. The people loved him right away. When he signed with WWE those same people were there, but it was just on a bigger stage.
When Punk became a top guy in WWE his popularity grew. When he did that incredible real life story around Money in the Bank 2011 the people continued to support him. It lasted for a few more years. He was an “internet darling” that made it to the top, but the love that fans had for him didn’t last just like his career.
The reason Punk is here is because there are a lot of fans that don’t like him anymore. Why? Because he quit when he wasn’t happy earlier this year. Instead of sticking around to wrestle and do his job, he quit.
We don’t know why he quit. He hasn’t talked about it, nor does he have to. Now there are stories out there that he’s sent a legal team after WWE about using his likeness and royalty checks. That’s not going to make him popular with the fans either.
via www.whatculture.com