Saturday 6 September 2014

9 Most Brutual Matches In WWE History 1

by Unknown  |  at  14:07

1. Mankind vs The Undertaker – King Of The Ring, June 1998

The selection of this match as the most brutal in WWE’s history will come as no surprise to anybody who has seen it. If you haven’t, you probably should. It’s not only the company’s most brutal match, but one of its most famous. The unforgettable sight of Foley plummeting from the top of the cell structure through the announce table is still used in countless video packages by the WWE to this day (usually begging the viewer not to try this at home). It is truly part of wrestling folklore.
Mick has since claimed that the more dangerous of the two terrible falls he suffered that day was the latter, but everybody remembers the first. With an ungraceful, almost ugly motion, Undertaker grabbed Mankind and carted him clean off the top of the cell. Watching it today it looks impossible – illogical even. The human body shouldn’t be in such a situation, let alone survive it.
The second fall, a chokeslam on top of the structure, actually did more damage to Foley as a panel of the cell roof surprisingly gave way. Undertaker later stated that he thought he’d killed Mick as he crashed into the ring below, the impact dislocating his jaw and driving a tooth through his lip. It must have hurt like hell, not that Foley can remember. He had to watch a tape of the match to write about it in his autobiography.
Watching such matches are something of a guilty pleasure for a wrestling fan. It’s probably for the best that such extreme occurrences are no longer commonplace in WWE programming, but nobody familiar with the contests of this list can surely deny their compelling nature.


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