Thursday 21 August 2014

10 Reasons CM Punk Should Stay Retired And Never Return To WWE 4

by Unknown  |  at  06:28

4. WWE Has A History Of Being Vindictive

It’s been reported that CM Punk left on bad terms with WWE and some of the company (Vince from some accounts, Triple H in others) has some hard feelings over the way he walked out. If those reports are to be believed, then maybe it’s better if he stays home.
In similar situations in the past, WWE has shown a tendency to be a little vindictive with performers who they view as leaving them high and dry. Look no further than the hatchet job done on The Ultimate Warrior, their insulting skits toward Hulk Hogan and randy Savage during their time in WCW or their burial of Bret Hart after Montreal.
This may be a publicly traded company worth millions of dollars but they’re not above throwing some shots every now and then and showing the world just how juvenile they can be. It’s not out of the realm of possibility that if CM Punk were to return, they’d have him losing to Adam Rose and then being told all he has to do is bo-lieve.
Nevermind the fact that those types of decisions would be bad for business. In WWE, and more specifically the mind of Vince McMahon, sometimes it’s more important to send a message that you don’t cross the boss rather than cashing in to benefit the company.


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