9: Spike Dudley

He was the tiniest Dudley, though what Spike lacked in size he more than made up for in gusto. The real meat of his underdog story comes from his pre-wrestling life. Spike was a third grade teacher before becoming part of the “hardcore revolution” that was ECW in the 90’s.
During an interview in the documentary Beyond the Mat”, he is asked about his favorite Shakespeare quotes ,and blood poured down his face, he looked at the camera and said “I shall, I do”.
Over the years he was given the nickname of “Giant Killer” for his matches with much larger opponents. He also had a total disregard for his own body when it came flying around the ring. His success may have been made possible by his connection to the Dudley Boyz team, or the popularity of “Extreme” wrestling, but he took full advantage the opportunity given, and left an indelible mark on that era.
via www.therichest.com