5: Jeff Hardy

You could say that Jeff, Matt, and Lita belong together on this list (Lita especially). As a team they were the hottest thing around (even though that was also unexpected), which is actually why Jeff’s solo career is so astonishing.
There have always been guys who broke from a popular team to become successful solo performers, but none were ever as popular as the Hardy Boyz. Jeff was the obvious choice as the breakout star, but his style was very much suited to a team. As a company, WWE was torn; do they push this guy, even though they don’t fully believe in his skill, or do they just let things run as they always have.
Turned out Jeff had enough confidence in himself to go for it, and proved to be a solid solo act. He’d altered his style just enough to put on great matches, and racked up several championships. After some high profile run-ins with the law and a substance abuse problem, he went over to TNA, where he was pretty much “The Guy”. He may never step foot in a WWE ring again, but the Charismatic Enigma definitely made his mark.
via www.therichest.com