3: CM Punk

The self-proclaimed “Best in the World”, CM Punk is one of the most popular wrestlers today(I’m fully aware of his “retirement,” but a man can still hope, right?). It may seem like living the “Straight Edged” lifestyle and being vegetarian (for a while) wouldn’t interfere with a wrestling career, but to the gatekeepers, wrestlers had to be a “man’s man” which meant having a beer or two, eating meat, blah, blah, blah.
McMahon and others couldn’t believe that a guy that looked like Punk could convincingly beat someone up. Keep in mind this is the same company that at one point had a one-legged man actively wrestling. Punk proved time and time again that he could put on great matches, and his mic work was second to none, and even though he toiled around the upper-mid level for a while, grabbing the World Heavyweight title a few times, it was his “Shoot heard round the world” that shot him to the next tier.
Finally able to air his grievances and it struck a chord with fans. Punk eventually got his hands on the WWE title, and held it for a record 434 days. How’s that for the squirrely looking kid from Chicago?