Monday 25 August 2014

5 WWE superstars who won't last long in the company 3

by Unknown  |  at  01:57

#3 Seth Rollins

This guy is just an injury away from risking his career in the company.  Rollins may be a former NXT and tag team champion, he may also be the architect of the most dominant faction in WWE’s recent history, but he is also the most detrimental person to his own career.  The move set that Rollins has created during his career, including the curb stomp off the ropes and his suicide dives outside the ring, are  eventually going to leave Rollins prone to constant injuries.
The WWE seems to like Rollins right now and will continue to push him to the main event picture as long as he’s healthy, but what about when the injuries start piling up? Then what do you do with a constantly injured superstar that you’ve put so much story and time into? Yes, a superstar should put on a great show for The WWE Universe at all times, but they should also focus on living to fight another day as well.


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