Wednesday 27 August 2014

5 Bad Decisions that WWE made in 2014 2

by Unknown  |  at  22:40

#2 Cesaro as Paul Heyman guy


Being a Paul Heyman guy is something that most of the superstars would dream of. Names like Lesnar, Steve Austin and many others have flourished alongside Heyman.
This was the reason why Cesaro got a similar booking but instead of having him in the main event scene, Cesaro ended up getting no backing for the new tag he got after WrestleMania.
The fans were behind him, he had the talent but only the push was lacking. The Swiss Superman got involved in some title matches but never got a one on one shot which he deserved.
And to make matter worse, when Lesnar returned, Heyman left Cesaro’s side without even giving an explanation for his departure.


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