Monday 18 August 2014

11 Best WWE Title Changes At SummerSlam 6

by Unknown  |  at  14:01

6. WWF Intercontinental Championship (1992): Bret Hart (c) vs. The British Bulldog

This is how you build up a secondary title change as a big deal. The British Bulldog was fighting against his brother-in-law in front of his countrymen at Wembley Stadium in London. Bret Hart was the technically gifted IC champ who was being GROOMED for a world title reign (in fact, he’d win the WWF Championship two months later). Hart was a proud champion, while Bulldog was a proud Brit fighting on his home soil. It’s little things like that that make title matches mean something.

Hart and Bulldog tore THE HOUSE down until Davey Boy countered a sunset flip with a pin for the title, giving him a career win and freeing Hart up to pursue the world title. Unfortunately, Smith’s IC title reign and WWF career would grind to a halt a few months later amid PED accusations.



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