Thursday 21 August 2014

10 Reasons CM Punk Should Stay Retired And Never Return To WWE 6

by Unknown  |  at  06:25

6. His Body Is Banged Up

Over the course of the last few years CM Punk has accumulated quite a few injuries, ranging in scope from nagging to fairly serious. All professional wrestlers get banged up, it’s part of the job description. You have to be prepared to sacrifice your body night in and night out. It’s not for everybody, and not something most of us could handle.
But for the ones that do, they’re at least able to battle those injuries with the assistance of prescription pain medication, something that CM Punk has denounced due to his straight edge drug-free lifestyle. It’s an admirable choice for a wrestler in a business where we’ve lost so many performers to substance abuse issues stemming from addictions to pain meds. But it’s difficult to imagine how incredibly hard that has to be on one’s body. Most of us can’t get a simple headache without reaching for the aspirin or Tylenol. This is a guy who falls down violently 300 nights a year.
No one wants to see these guys retire a crippled mess, with mobility and memory trouble thanks to years of bumps and concussions. If Punk elects not to return, he’s still in good enough shape where his body hopefully won’t have to pay the price down the road.


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