Tuesday 19 August 2014

10 New Career Options For CM Punk 5

by Unknown  |  at  14:10

5. Politician

CM Punk President

Okay, we all know CM Punk had little time for the backstage politics when in the WWE, which is apparently half of the reason why he quit, but put that aside for a second and think about this seriously … Senator Punk, wait, no President Punk. Has quite the ring to it, don’t you think?
Punk is just what the world needs in a politician; he’s honest, takes no BS, cares for the needs of the little man, never backs down, and he knows how to make people sit up and listen with the power of his words (just look at the impact his infamous Pipe Bomb promo had). For the most part, Punk knows how to get things done and is a natural born leader; people listen and they follow. His role as the Voice of The Voiceless, plus his part in factions such as the Straight Edge Society and the New Nexus prove that he’s capable of inspiring and enjoy being a leader and voice piece. And it’s not unheard of for a WRESTLER to run for office; Jesse Ventura was once governor of Minnesota and has been talking about running for president for years now, so if he can do it then Punk definitely can.
Could we really one day be one nation under Punk?
via www.whatculture.com


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