10. Too Many ‘About Faces’

Referring to professional wrestling as ‘fake’ is likely to get you slapped by any serious FAN within earshot, and rightly so. However, wrestling is and always will be a show, a work and a performance.
As any good actor will tell you, commitment to character is the key to a good performance and, as any writer worth his/her salt will say, character consistency is a hallmark of good storytelling.
In a basic sense, you have your hero and you have your villain. Even if the hero’s journey will lead him to become a villain and the villain’s journey is fated to end in heroism, the characters need to be established in their respective roles from the outset.
Watching wrestling these days, you’ll see heel and babyface turns occurring at an alarming rate.
How are FANS expected to really get behind and cheer for a man that, just two weeks ago, power bombed the hero’s granny through a flaming table and force-fed a dog turd to a disabled kid in the front row?
Likewise, yesterday’s golden boy hero is now whacking wrestling legends with steel chairs and spitting at the camera…But how can the FANS truly hate him when they know that next week the roles will probably be reversed once again?
Essentially, too many heel/face turns over too short a period of time detracts from wrestling’s believability.
Imagine you watched a re-edited version of The Star Wars Trilogy where Darth Vader spent the entirety of Empire stroking kittens and donating the Empire’s vast funds to CHARITY, only to resume attempting to kill everyone in Jedi. It would seem thoroughly stupid, wouldn’t it?
If a character turns his back on the fans, or else decides to finally embrace them, then this MOVE needs to be momentous. It should be a watershed moment in the life of a major star, not a cheap heat seeking stunt or half-assed roster shuffle before an understaffed Pay Per View.
via www.whatculture.com